Seminario «Síntesis Activa»

The Husserl Archives of the University of Cologne, the Chilean Association of Phenomenology, and the Institute of Philosophy of the Diego Portales University invites to the workshop «Síntesis Activa. Phenomenological Investigations on Psychopathology and Psychiatry». The primary purpose of this activity is to explore and discuss problems related to phenomenology and its incursions into psychopathology and psychiatry in the context of the German and Chilean phenomenological communities.

We will explore and discuss the topic through six sessions, each featuring one speaker from Germany and one from Chile.

Registration is required here:

17:00 to 19:00 hrs (Germany)
11:00 to 13:00 hrs. (Chile)
Thursdays, June 6 and 20, July 4 and 18, and August 1

Speakers and talks:
Santiago Souriges (ACHFEN) “On the generalised sensitivity of phantamatic life as primary forming structure of objectivities and its implications for psychotherapy.”
Erik Dzwiza Ohlsen (Husserl Archive Cologne) “Feeling Home in Habits? On the Power of Meaningful Embodied Activities in Dementia.”

Bryan Zúñiga (ACHFEN) “Phenomenological aesthetics of human existence: a non-normative approach to psychopathology?”
Zixuan Liu (Husserl Archive Cologne) “How agency is constitutive of phenomenal consciousness: pushing the first and third-personal approaches to their limits”

Victoria Mack (ACHFEN) “Phenomenology and Psychopathology of Becoming Alien of the Homeworld”
Mari van Stokkum (Husserl Archive Cologne) “Free Association and Passive Synthesis”
Mauro Senatore (ACHFEN) “Dark Horizons: Posttraumatic Anxiety in Husserl’s Freiburg Ethics”
Mira Krebs (Husserl Archive Cologne) “Finding the Normal along extraordinary conditions”

Leonor Irarrázaval (ACHFEN) “Delusion as a fundamental phenomenon
Chung Yan Wun (Husserl Archive Cologne) “The ‘Fragmentation’ of Emotions and the Fragmentation of Narrative Identity in Borderline Personality Disorder”

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